Get your brand moving with a good video.
B-to-B Explainer Video | Cariloop (Caregiver Support)
In America 73% of all employees are also caring for a loved one.
Many of them feel unsupported and some are even leaving the workforce because they just can’t balance work and caregiving.
That’s where we come in.
Organizations can help by providing Cariloop as a caregiver support benefit to their employees. When they’re feeling overwhelmed by stress and anxiety, we relieve their burden.
Here’s how it works.
Employees and their loved ones are paired with one of our dedicated Care Coaches, who guide them through any caregiving challenge they may face. We help them get their time back, allowing them to be more present and productive in their work and home lives.
And employers see increased retention, reduced levels of absenteeism, and a more productive workforce.
So, whatever employees are trying to navigate, from healthcare to eldercare and everything inbetween, we believe that no one should go through caregiving alone.
Global Wellness Campaign Video | HP
As employees at HP, we have the power to fight cancer, and make a real impact around the world.
All it takes is for every one of us to do one thing.
Share a story. Send a message. Start a movement.
Together, we can help people live long and healthy lives. We have the power to educate. The power to create hope. The power to inspire action.
If every one of us does one thing, no matter how small, together, we can save lives.
This is the power we have at HP. This is the Power of Prevention.
Global Wellness Event Video | HP
HP offices around the world are planning a Power of Prevention Day.
This is an opportunity for every one of us to do one thing to fight cancer.
By doing this, we can inspire others to do the same and join our global efforts.
What can you do?
You can download a variety of materials from this website and use them to show your support around the office.
You can use social media, start a conversation on OneHP, share a story on the Stories of Hope page, send a Power of Prevention Day eCard, or simply post something on Facebook.
Read the Power of Prevention Day tip sheet and you’ll find even more ways to join us in this global effort.
When every one of us does one thing to fight cancer, together we can make an impact on this disease.
This is the power of HP. This is the Power of Prevention.
Employee Explainer Video | Baylor Scott & White Health
This is your cafeteria. Your workspace. Your emergency room.
Baylor Scott & White belongs to all of us. And we all want it to be a great place to work.
That’s why we’re sending you our people survey on February 29. Feel free to complete it whenever you have time at work during the administration period. It only takes about 15 minutes.
Just click on the link and share your opinions, your insights, and all those great ideas you have to make this an even better place to work.
We even brought in an external company to manage the survey, to make sure your responses are 100% confidential.
With your feedback, we can make this the best place to give and receive safe, quality, compassionate healthcare. Isn’t that what we all want?
Take the people survey by March 14.
After all, this is your place, make it great.
Blog Post Video | Mr. Cooper (Home Loans)
We’re Mr. Cooper, you home loan partner. And, recently, we asked people who’ve never owned a home to tell us what it’s like to try to buy one.
We learned that, today, it’s actually quite challenging, especially for young people.
First of all, even though 70% of people who don’t own a home want to buy one, 58% don’t have the money for a down payment and a whopping 43% (almost half) don’t even have a financial plan to follow.
But, guess what? They’re willing to do what it takes to be a homeowner. 37% of aspiring homeowners want to improve their credit score. 75% are willing to take on a side job. And 36% would even take on a roommate to save money.
Now, here’s where we can help out.
At Mr. Cooper, we believe there’s a home for everyone. Whether your dreams are big or tiny…whether you’re a city dweller or more of a nature lover…we’re here to connect you with the home of your dreams, whatever, or wherever that happens to be.
We’re your home loan partner and we just want to say, “Go ahead. Own it.”
Diversity & Inclusion Video | AT&T
Where are you really from?
Sorry. I’m not really sure what you mean.
Are you asking why I look really different? Sound really different? Eat really different foods? Or dress really differently?
Because that question makes me believe there’s no room in this country for me.
And when Asians are the fastest-growing racial group in America but the least likely in America to get promoted to managerial roles, we’d really like to know what it takes to be accepted in this country.
Because we’ve been here for a really long time, and every railroad track laid, exclusion act, and internment camp is proof this is really my country, too.
So, hey, if you really want to know where I’m from, ask me.
Just don’t be surprised when I answer, “Des Moines, Iowa.”
Website Homepage Video | Quality Stone Quarries
It was born in the beginning.
And today, you won’t find another stone quarry quite like Quality Stone Quarries.
We proudly deliver Oklahoma Natural Stone to customers everywhere. But there’s only one place you can find it, and that’s right here in Stigler, Oklahoma.
Now, before we deliver this beautiful, timeless material, we start with some good old-fashioned hard work. Then, we chop. And cut. And saw.
Most importantly, we keep a close eye on things throughout the entire process, from order to delivery. This keeps our reputation in one piece as we bring our one-of-a-kind stone products right to you.
This is Oklahoma Natural Stone. Formed in nature. Chiseled with care. Made for you.
TV Commercial + Online Video | North Texas Food Bank
This election year, we’ll hear about all the big issues.
But what about hunger?
Believe it or not, North Texans are still struggling to eat three meals a day, right in our own back yard.
Well, guess what? We can fix this.
We every dollar we give to the North Texas Food Bank, they provide three nutritious meals to hungry kids, families, and seniors.
It’s time to get fed up with hunger.
Show your support at